What I love about Christian
Zombie Killers Handbook is that its author’s voice is clear, direct, and
passionate. In the introduction, his
words paint a graphic depiction of what the dark side of human nature truly
looks like and how it functions in our lives.
Organized into 12 episodes—laying out the leading theories
for explaining for zombieism (sin).
I was initially concerned about the wisdom of building an
entire zombie mythology as a metaphor for sin; however, the author nicely
balances each episode, first with a story based on the zombie metaphor
immediately followed by relevant, Biblically/scripturally-based discussion
What makes the discussion questions so good is that the
author doesn’t pull any punches. He uses
extreme phrases and word pictures like “moral insanity, ” “soul-crimes,” It’s this use of visceral language that will
make it appealing to teenagers and young adults. The questions are really appropriate for
teenagers who are sifting through everything they’ve heard and read, beginning
to firmly establish the beliefs and opinions they’ll carry into adulthood. Christian Zombie Killers Handbook was provided to me as an advanced reading copy by BookSneeze.